Dr Matthew Storey

Dr Matthew Storey

Legal Principal & Director

Alexandra (Alix) Hill

Alexandra (Alix) Hill

Principal Policy & Communications Consultant

Statutory recognition of Traditional Owner rights and responsibilities for cultural heritage is a difficult process. Storey & Ward Lawyers have specialised experience in working within state and commonwealth jurisdictions to achieve formal recognition.

Formal recognition of Traditional Owner rights and responsibilities for cultural heritage is complex under state and federal laws. 

Storey & Ward Lawyers have specialised experience in working within these jurisdictions to achieve statutory recognition. 

We provide expert legal, mediation and training support to Traditional Owners in their applications, or responses to applications, for formal recognition.

This may include recognition as a Registered Aboriginal Party under the Victorian Aboriginal Heritage Act or a Recognised Aboriginal Representative Body under the South Australian Aboriginal Heritage Act

We can also assist in navigating associated processes and in disputes regarding Aboriginal Cultural heritage approvals.

Communal Ownership and Collective Decision Making

Communal Ownership and Collective Decision Making

Policy Development Consultancy
First Nations Cultural Heritage Law
Native Title and Land Rights

A key element of collective rights is the nature of the collectivity.

Offshore Oil and Gas in Canada and Norway

Offshore Oil and Gas in Canada and Norway

First Nations Cultural Heritage Law
Natural Resource Management Law
Policy Development Consultancy

Looking towards First Nations rights and benefit sharing