The Native Title future act regime has been described as a ‘confusing spaghetti maze’. This module will unravel that maze. It explains the differing future act processes required for differing activity types and the options available to proponents in ensuring satisfaction of both the requirements of the Native Title Act 1993 and community expectations.

Professional Development Modules

Storey & Ward Professional Development Modules provide comprehensive analysis of the statutory, regulatory and cultural environment in which First Nations rights are activated in Australia and internationally.

They provide an opportunity for continuing professional development (CPD) for legal, cultural heritage and government operating in these areas.

Our core module, Native Title and Cultural Heritage – An Australian Perspective, provides a solid foundation to understand the history and theory of land justice in Australian legislation, and provides an opportunity to hear first-hand from Traditional Owners about their experiences.

Our continuation training modules, including Native Title and Future Acts, provide more detailed examination of cultural heritage legislation and the broader land rights environments in each state or territory, future acts, international rights and the impact of new technologies.

Each module provides a full day, in-person session with accessible course materials and an opportunity to hear from Traditional Owners about lived experience.


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